My definition of health has changed many times over the years. When I was younger, being healthy meant looking skinny. I often experienced night terrors. zero energy, swollen lymph nodes, anxiety. joint pain, rapid tooth decay, debilitating PMS and other ailments but because I was "skinny" I thought I was healthy. The older I've become and adding children into the mix, my symptom list continued to grow; migraines, brain fog, bloating, head rushes, anger, seasons of depression, adult acne, weight gain and topped off with panic attacks. Over the counter medications didn't work and prescriptions only added to the anxiety. After several trips to the ER, I assumed this was my new normal way of living, functioning but never thriving.
As I was dealing with my illnesses my sweet daughters were also constantly sick. I spent majority of my days taking them to doctor appointments or ER visits, it seemed never ending. Our pediatrician's office manager even joked about the frequent flyer miles to the office because some weeks we were there twice a week. It's one thing to experience life this way as an adult, but I knew my girls did not deserve to live like this. To be honest, I didn't want to live like this anymore. Feeling sick, feeling like a terrible mother for letting my girls feel this way all the time. I knew I had to do something.
I started doing research on implementing changes in our diet to see if that would help. That journey led me down the rabbit hole of so many more options than pharmaceuticals as treatment. Even the smallest changes of what we were eating, using, and consuming in our body made the biggest difference. I noticed not only my body was changing but my girls were healing. Today, I feel more fantastic than I have in my entire life from the inside out. My girls are thriving in school and extracurriculars without visiting the doctor.
Experiencing my family whole and healthy has made such an impact on my life, that I knew I couldn't keep it to myself. I achieved my certification to help and serve others on their healing journey to wellness!
"You're the cure." -Dr. Ben Edwards
God made our bodies to heal & I am here to help people get on the healing path!