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Sessions & Packages

Infrared saunas are an effective tool for natural healing and prevention. Infrared light has the ability to penetrate human tissue which in turn produces a host of health benefits.

Benefits of Therasage Infrared Sauna can include:
-Full Spectrum Infrared frequencies
-Gem Stone Technology
-Decrease of inflammation
-Stimulates sweat glands, resulting in a deep detoxifying sweat at the cellular level
-Increases natural nitric oxide and redox molecule production
-Increases oxygen flow to cells
-Helps in eliminating toxins including heavy metals
-Increases blood flow and circulation
-leaves you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated

-52% lower risk of sudden cardiac death greater than 19 minutes or more

(Laukkanen T, Khan H, Zaccardi F, Laukkanen JA. Association Between Sauna Bathing and Fatal Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality Events. JAMA Intern Med. 2015;175(4):542–548. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.8187)

20 Minute Session   $20


Package of 5

20 Minute Sessions (10% off) $90

30 Minute Session   $30


Package of 5

30 Minute Sessions (10% off) $135

40 Minute Session   $40


Package of 5

40 Minute Sessions (10% off) $180

50 Minute Session   $50


Package of 5

50 Minute Sessions (10% off) $225

Prepare for your session
A hydrated body is vital for benefiting from the sauna, please drink water before your session as well as a rehydrating drink to balance and replenish electrolytes. (Don’t have one, ask our staff about Re-Lyte). 
You will be in a private quiet room, you can wear workout clothes, a bathing suit and or towel during your session.
Please bring 3 towels with you, one for sitting on, one for wiping down your face during your session & one for drying off after. 

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